Diary Entry - 11/27/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan enjoys a horseback ride around the grounds of Ranch del Cielo.
Off to the ranch. Nancy is in Phoenix—will join me Wed. Got to the ranch—it had rained but seemed to be clearing. Up Wed. for a ride—had to stay on the roads—ground soft from rain. Nancy late getting to ranch—about 4 P.M. The day had been beautiful. Rode Thurs.—stayed on the roads again but the day was beautiful. Moon & Bess—Maureen & Dennis came for Thanksgiving dinner—no fireworks. Rode Fri. & Sat. mornings then Dennis LeBlanc & Barney & I worked in the afternoons cutting up a downed tree & splitting wood—lots of it. Sunday turned up foggy & wet—no ride—more wood cutting. Mon. sun came out but we were on our way to Wash. after I spoke to Nat. League of Cities in L.A. Sun. night Clint Eastwood came to ranch with a man named Gordon Wilson who is part of a small group trying to get P.O.W.’s out of Laos. Clint has contributed to this. I’m checking the group out with Bill Clark—right now it looks a little questionable.