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Diary Entry - 11/27/1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan enjoys a horseback ride around the grounds of Ranch del Cielo.

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Off to the ranch. Nancy is in Phoenix—will join me Wed. Got to the ranch—it had rained but seemed to be clearing. Up Wed. for a ride—had to stay on the roads—ground soft from rain. Nancy late getting to ranch—about 4 P.M. The day had been beautiful. Rode Thurs.—stayed on the roads again but the day was beautiful. Moon & Bess—Maureen & Dennis came for Thanksgiving dinner—no fireworks. Rode Fri. & Sat. mornings then Dennis LeBlanc & Barney & I worked in the afternoons cutting up a downed tree & splitting wood—lots of it. Sunday turned up foggy & wet—no ride—more wood cutting. Mon. sun came out but we were on our way to Wash. after I spoke to Nat. League of Cities in L.A. Sun. night Clint Eastwood came to ranch with a man named Gordon Wilson who is part of a small group trying to get P.O.W.’s out of Laos. Clint has contributed to this. I’m checking the group out with Bill Clark—right now it looks a little questionable.

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