Diary Entry - 11/24/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a private Thanksgiving Dinner at his home in Santa Barbara, CA.
A state of emergency is declared in the cities of Kirovabad and Nakhichevan in Azerbaijan.
A cold, windy day—so cold I said no to a ride. A grey cloud cover—no rain—it’s too cold to do that. Late morning there were some signs of the clouds breaking. Did some chores, turned on the heat in the guest house in case our guests might want a look this afternoon. At 3 P.M. Dennis & Merme arrived. She & I had a most productive talk about her future. Then at 4 P.M. Jane E., Elaine Crispen & her daughter arrived. Cocktails & a 5 o’clock turkey dinner. It was a most enjoyable evening. They left around 7:30 to drive home in the rain. Nancy & I watched “Mary Poppins” on T.V. & then to bed. The Johnny in the bathroom had a mechanical problem—flusher wouldn’t work. I had to flush by lifting the plunger in the water box.