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Diary Entry - 11/23/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a swearing-in ceremony for Mr. Carlucci as Secretary of Defense.

  • President Reagan participates in a briefing for activists and state/local elected officials on the upcoming U.S.-Soviet Summit and the Intermediate-range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF).

View the President's Schedule
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Nancy is on her way to Calif. & tomorrow I join her. Staff time was brisk—talk about summit & Geo. S. & Colin’s negotiations in Geneva. Still some unsettled problems.

Then N.S.C. time & more of the same plus talk of how we must work on the Sen. to see that a treaty (I.N.F.) if we get it will be ratified.

Then A. B. Culvahouse & 2 of his helpers came in to go over with me the written interrogatory. This went on for an hour & then it was Dick Wirthlin time. His figures were mixed some up some down, reflecting the confusion of the people with the way the media is mis-stating some of all that’s going on, what with Iran-Contra, the deficit, & the summit.

Lunch time and then a swearing in of Frank C. as new Sec. of Defense. His whole family on hand.

At 1:30 over to E.O.B. to speak to about 200 activists & leaders on our side to brief them on what’s going on.

Back to the Oval O. & then to the Rose Garden for the annual presentation of the Turkey. This time his name was Pres. Charly & he weighed 55 lbs. That’s a big turkey.

Into the Cab. room for a meeting with top leaders—business, labor etc for discussion of the deficit and our arrangement with Congress.

Finally a return of A. B. Culvahouse & his aides to complete our briefing on the written Q’s. Nick Ruwe stopped by & then it was upstairs.

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