Diary Entry - 11/23/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan receives a call from Rev. William F. "Billy" Graham, Jr.
The President and First Lady return to the White House after their brief stay at Camp David.
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Sat. was cold & clear. Usual radio broadcast—on Turkey day this time. A horse back ride in the afternoon—probably the last at Camp D. until spring. We all got pretty chilled. The evening T.V. talk shows Agronsky & Co. & McLaughlin were laying into me on the Iranian affair.
Sun.—bright & cold—spent morning watching the Sun. talk shows, Meet the Press, David Brinkley & again I was being lynched. This time Nancy was brought into it. Sam D. referred to Nancy as the “Smiling Mamba.” The Mamba is a large very poisonous snake. After lunch back to Wash.