Diary Entry - 11/22/1982

Key Facts
In a nationally televised address, President Reagan calls for the deployment of 100 MX missiles in the controversial "dense pack" basing mode.
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to present the Presidential Rank Awards to Distinguished Senior Executives.
A hectic day probably because I’m leaving tomorrow for Thanksgiving at the ranch. Nancy left today to spend a couple of days in Phoenix. I’m lonely. Started the day with last details on MX statement. Met with Cong. bi-partisan leadership on MX. Only outspoken against was Rep. Addabo. He’ll cause trouble if he can. Tip was non-committal but Dem. Sen’s. like Scoop Jackson were supportive. We’re going to base the missile in Wyoming in what’s called Dense Pack. Dan Gilbert Eureka brought a Mr. Buckley in to see me. He’s accepted to chair the committee which will screen cand’s. for the R.R. Eureka scholarships. There are 1400 applicants already for 20 slots. Tonite did Nat. broadcast on T.V.—subject peace & arms reduction. I think it went well. Tues., Nov. 23 is getaway day for ranch but before going I have asked our people to look into the 10% inc. tax cut slated for July 1st and see if I could order (without Cong.) cutting withholding by 5% on January 1st as an ec. stimulant. It wouldn’t change the tax cut but would get some of it in the people’s hands early. Chase Manhattan lowered prime rate to 11 1⁄2.