Diary Entry - 11/21/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in the Swearing -in ceremony for William Clark as Secretary of the Interior.
President Reagan meets with the President of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan Gaafar Mohamde Nimeiri.
President Reagan meets with President of the Republic of Cyprus Spyros Kyprianou.
Meeting & lunch with Pres. Nimeiri of The Sudan. He has problems—some of them created by the madman of Lybia & others by Mengistu in Ethiopia. The annual Turkey presentation in the Rose Garden. The birds get bigger every year. This one weighed 60 lbs. Next visitor was Pres. Spyros Kyprianou of Cyprus. His trouble is the Declaration of Independence by the Turkish minority on Cypress. I told him we’d do what we could to persuade all countries including Turkey to not recognize the new state. Greeted 5 Ambassadors reporting in. One from Swaziland with his wife arrived barefoot—1st native costume has gone that far. A lonely evening & not a very good night for sleep.