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Diary Entry - 11/20/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss the economic outlook for 1987 and budget reform with the Economic Policy Advisory Board.

  • President Reagan meets to receive the first payment to the federal government associated with the Conrail sale.

  • The U.N.'s WHO announced first global effort to combat AIDS.

View the President's Schedule
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A meeting with Bob Michel R. minority ldr. & Jim Wright D. majority Ldr. & probably the next Spkr. of the House. I queried them on what they saw as the agenda for the coming session. I didn’t hear any smashing ideas of importance.

Then a meeting with our Ec. Policy Advisory Bd. This is once a yr. thing. They are all top nationally known economists & it’s surprising how many things they can disagree on.

Lunch with V.P.—Don Regan told me Geo. S. was about to lay down an ultimatum—either I fire John P. or Geo. S. quits. I dont like ultimatums.

Dick Wirthlin shows this Iran drum beat has lowered my ratings with the people. He’s going to do some polling now after my press conf. Surprisingly the telephone calls since last night were 84% positive & the telegrams 88%.

Did photos with 2 staffs—Pol. & Intergovernmental Affairs.

Then it was admin. time—photos with Pierre Pflimlin—Pres. of the European Parliament & Field Marshal Abu Ghazala of Egypt. Rcvd. a print of the painting that will be the Conservation Stamp for this year. A couple of S.S. agents departed for other assignments. Then upstairs a touchy meeting with Geo. S. & Don R. George is very upset about the Iran affair & I fear he may be getting ready to say either someone else is fired or I quit. I’ve called a Mon. afternoon meeting of Him & Don—me and Cap W. Bill Casey, John P. and the V.P. to get everything about Iran effort out on the table.

Tonite over to Library of Congress for annual Sen. dinner. It was a nice evening—warm in feeling.

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