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Diary Entry - 11/19/1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss El Salvador.

  • President Reagan meets with Jewish leaders to discuss the sale of AWACS planes to Saudi Arabia.

  • U.S. Steel agreed to pay $6.3 million for Marathon Oil.

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An N.S.C. meeting on what we can do to further help El Salvador by way of the C.I.A. Reports still coming in on the Speech. It was telecast in 50 countries with an estimated audience of 150 to 200 mil. Met with 2 Jewish groups—one Repub. leaders the other mostly Dem. and foes of the A.W.A.C.S. deal. Both turned out fine—the idea was to clear the air after the A.W.A.C.S. battle. I was surprised at how friendly the 2nd meeting turned out when I thought it would be hostile. Interviewed by 5 journalists on Federalism. Dinner & a movie tonight— “Mao to Mozart” wonderful.

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