Diary Entry - 11/17/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
President and Mrs. Reagan attend the Charles Wick Testimonial Dinner.
Day started at 10 A.M. in the office. On Mon. I leave for Calif. And ex-Pres’s. Ford & Carter came to see George B. I await a bill that Commerce wants me to veto but everyone else wants me to sign (which I think I’ll do). It has to do with N.A.S.A. Geo. S. is going to the Inaugural in Mexico. It looks like my Sat. Radio talk will focus largely on Thanksgiving.
N.S.C.—A kidnap in Lebanon of a Swiss member of the Internat. Red Cross. Three armed men—possibly Hizbollah. In Canadian election Mon. looks like Mulroney has gained some ground. Looks like Ms. Butto is winner (not of ficial yet) in Pakistan. Soviets may have fired a Scud missile into Pakistan. Soviets have suddenly & seemingly opened the door for a new long term grain deal with us.
Then over to C. of C. bldg. and our address to Chamber & Nat. Chamber of commerce plus about 90 odd diplomats & ambassadors. Subject was free trade. Back at W.H. went into room where Advisory Committee on Presidential Librarys was meeting. Lunch with the V.P.—Edmund Morris—biographer sat in on meetings all day. Rcvd. report from Committee on the Arts & Humanities which I created by exec. order. Did photos with Office of Admin. Then desk work—signed 100 photos and more than a dozen bills.
Bob Tuttle with some recess appointments. A meeting with Cliff White. He had some ’68 photos when he was trying to get me nominated for Pres. Frank Fahrenkopf delivered my membership (No. 1) in N.R.C. [R.N.C.] Then upstairs—Dr. checked my nose & throat. Exercise, shower & dressed Black Tie for testimonial dinner for Charly Wick at O.A.S. bldg. It was a nice affair. All the Wicks were there. Several of us spoke briefly. It was a fine tribute to Charly. Then home to bed.