Diary Entry - 11/17/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a Domestic Policy Council meeting to discuss the report of the federalism working group.
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for H.R. 6, the Water Resources Conservation, Development, and Infrastructure Improvement Act.
Told Sec. of Agri. about the farmer & to see if there was anything we could do for the widow.
The press continues to harp on the Iran situation to the point of writing & broadcasting pure fiction.
A Domestic Policy Council meeting to receive the first result of the studys I’d asked for. This one was on Federalism & how the Nat. govt. has violated the Const. in making our states admin. districts of the Fed. Govt. rather than sovereign states. I want this reversed.
An issues briefing lunch—then a signing ceremony with a group of Congressmen & Sen’s.—both parties on hand. It was H.R. 6 a waters projects bill.
A good meeting with Pres. Alfonsin of Argentina. I’m hopeful he & P.M. Thatcher are going to get together on their problems including a dispute over fishing rights near the Falkland Islands.—A haircut & a meeting with officials of the Alzheimers Disease Foundation. That ended the day.