Diary Entry - 11/16/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends the annual meeting of the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI).
President Reagan visits the doctor and dentist during the afternoon.
Staff—taken up a lot with the Jim Wright situation & the need to take him to the woodshed. N.S.C.—Discussion of I.N.F. & the need to work out a verification with regard to Soviets using SS20’s as 1st stage for the SS25’s. I think it can be worked out.
At 10 A.M. Jim Wright came down at my invitation. Our whole team including Geo. S. we outnumbered him. We let him have it pretty good. I think we narrowed his field of action. Then I left for the Sheraton Wash. Hotel where I addressed about 1,000 members of Am. Council on Life Insurance. They were most receptive.
Back to W.H. for issues lunch. Then some desk time. At 2:30 a haircut. At 3:00 P.M. a taping session in the Library and at 3:30 the Dentist. For a couple of days I’ve been having a tooth ache. In the chair for 1 1⁄2 hrs. He thinks I have an inflamed nerve due to one tooth in the upper jaw being hit by one in the lower. He ground a lump off the sore one—then said if the inflammation didn’t go away in a few days—it’s a root-canal job for me. Home & Mother.