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Diary Entry - 11/16/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-16-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group.

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz.

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The Israelis burned Naba Chit known to be a camp of the Iranian Shiites believed responsible for the car bomb attacks. That was one of the targets we were looking at but didn’t feel we had enough information yet. Cab. Council meeting on Commercial entry into the Space effort. Question should the govt. department in charge of this be Dept. of Transportation or Commerce. Both wanted it. I came down on the side of transportation. Rcvd. word Brazil had accepted the I.M.F. terms. That is good news for the world financial markets. I’ve OK’d. some shifting of our Marines in Beirut. I believe the Lebanese can take over the airport while we move South to an area once controlled by Israel. Met with Geo. S. about establishing a pipe line outside the bureaucracy for direct contact with Soviets. N.S.P.G. meeting. We’ve contacted French about a joint operation in Beirut re the car bombings. Italy parliament voted—landslide for deployment of I.N.F.’s. F.C.C. withdrew for 6 mo’s. it’s regulation that would have allowed networks to syndicate shows. Good news. Closed day saying a few words at farewell reception for Jim Watt.

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