Diary Entry - 11/16/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan decides on a plan of covert actions to block the Cuban aid to Nicaragua and El Salvador.
President Reagan considers the potential for "bureaucratic sabotage" from someone in the Justice Department as information regarding an F.B.I. investigation in the White House is leaked.
Staff meeting re the Allen $1000 episode. I dont think it amounts to much. It’s hard to believe a fellow didn’t forget the money since he left it in the safe of the office he was moving out of. It goes back to a Japanese mag. interview with Nancy. It seems they give cash gifts to people they interview. This took place clear back at Inaugural time. Dick intercepted the envelope to avoid embarrassing Nancy or the Japanese since she obviously could not accept it. It was then given to his Sec. to put in the safe. Both forgot & it was found after he’d moved out. We had an F.B.I. investigation—everybody was all clear but we didn’t know that under the 1978 “Special Prosecutor Act”—several Justice Depts. must successfully review the findings. Some one in Justice after all these months leaked it & I suspect bureaucratic sabotage. In other words our admin. not Dick Allen is the target. An N.S.C. meeting following an interview with D. Lambro. This has to do with Central Am. We have decided on a plan of covert actions etc. to block the Cuban aid to Nicaragua & El Salvador. There is no question but that all of Central Am. is targeted for a Communist takeover.