Diary Entry - 11/09/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan awards Lt. General William Odom with the National Security Medal.
President Reagan meets with Mr. Rabbani of the Afghanistan Resistance Alliance.
Into the office at 10:00 A.M. The Rose Garden was jam packed with all our staff cheering me. A very touching moment for me. Into the morning session. Some talk about the election of course. Planned for Georges afternoon arrival here from Houston. I have appointed Ken as Chmn. of our transition team. Dan Crippen joined us & we talked about ’89 budget I must submit by Jan. 9.
N.S.C.—Dep. Foreign Minister of Kabul’s Afghan Puppet govt. Abdul Ghaffar Lakannal was in N.Y. to address the U.N. He came down to Wash. & turned himself in to State dept. asking for Asylum. We’re keeping it secret til his family can get out of Afghanistan. Col. Paul (involved in drugs in Haiti) dead of heart attack. Rumor has it he was poisoned. Arafat has asked for a visa to come to the U.N.
A man—no hostage—was in jail in Iran for something during Pres. Carters term. Then he was freed. He committed something or other & is back in jail in Iran. Ex Pres. Carter wants him freed again. Libya is building a chemical weapons plant that threatens the entire Middle East. [. . .] We too are looking at that. Kohl (W. Germany) has been of help to Libya. I’ll have to take this up with him when he comes.
After some bill signing I pinned a Nat. Security Medal on General Wm. Odom. Then a photo with Congressman Bob Livingston & his lovely family. Then it was lunch & after that Met with Mr. Rabbani of the Afghanistan Resistance Alliance. I assured him of our continued help. My regular meeting with Sec. Shultz—nothing of great importance. Then a lengthy session of receiving 8 new ambassadors & their familys. More desk time—bills & phone calls to 3 of our Sen. Winners—Trent Lott, Pete Wilson & Paul Burns.
Then at 3:50 Nancy came down—we greeted the Bushes & Quayles. Made an appearance—the 6 of us—before the press in the Rose Garden. George & I had a little one on one & I asked him to continue my custom of returning military salutes. He’s for it. Then upstairs, exercised (finally)—dinner & bed time.