Diary Entry - 11/09/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan is presented with Idaho's "first of state" waterfowl and upland game conservation stamps.
President Reagan is presented with the official flag for the bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution.
Back to the old routine. More discussion of next nominee to Supreme Court. Then N.S.C. & a charming lady dropped by—the Foreign Minister of Switzerland Mrs. Kopp who will be the next Pres.
At 10 A.M. departed for “United Way of Am.” headquarters—this is 100th year of that organization. It’s contributions are up 20% since last yr. I had a tour of some of their services & then addressed them. A worthwhile morning.
After lunch a drop by the St. Dept. lunch for meeting of “Org. of Am. States” leaders. Another speech—well recv’d. Wed. they’ll have Ortega of Nicaragua—he was a good part of my speech.
Desk time at W.H.—then at 3 P.M. a meeting with Strom Thurmond. He has a candidate for Supreme Court. It bothers me but I have to disappoint him even though he has been solid in his support of us.
Then some Congressional photos—Congressmen & Sen’s. bringing in individuals—Miss America of last year for example. Five groups in all.
Then upstairs to a meeting with Howard B., Ed Meese & Judge Kennedy—Sacramento Calif. He is going to be my nominee for Supreme Court.