Diary Entry - 11/09/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan is on a state visit to Japan.
Off to Asia. A farewell ceremony in the East Rm. then Marine 1 to Andrews A.F. base. Began the day however with a short meeting re a possible air strike in Beirut against those who murdered our Marines. Decided we dont have enough intelligence info as yet. On my way, 7 1⁄2 hours to Anchorage Alaska. There is a 4 hr. time change so it was only 11:30 A.M. but at this time of year it seemed like evening. We met with military & civilians 8,000 of them in a hangar. We were warmly received by the most enthusiastic crowd. On our way over the Pacific another 7 1⁄2 hours to Tokyo. Before we left U.S. learned that Geo. B. had cast a tie breaking vote in the Sen. to kill an effort to delete Binary (Chemical) weapons from Defense bill. Later in flight got word Sen. passed Defense appropriation 86 to 6. We tried the new plan to minimize jet lag. We sacked out for 6 hours—didn’t sleep all of them. Then got up & had a brunch on what would have been lunch time in Tokyo. Arrived there at 2:15. Helicoptered to Akasaka Palace (their guest house) a magnificent French style castle. Hustled into my clam hammer morning suit. The Emperor arrived for formal greeting, then we went to Imperial Palace for visit. Back to Akasaka for meetings with P.M. Nakasone. Day finally ended & had dinner in room, a massage & to bed. It was a funny sensation. Having crossed the international date line it was now Wed. & yet it was the same day we had left Wash.