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Diary Entry - 11/07/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with his advisors to discuss recent domestic and international developments affecting the economy.

  • President Reagan welcomes recently released U.S. hostage, David Jacobsen, to the White House.

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Usual meetings—discussion of how to handle press who are off on a wild story built on unfounded story originating in Beirut that we bought hostage Jacobsons freedom with weapons to Iran. We’ve tried “no comment.” I’ve proposed & our message will be—“we cant & wont answer any Q’s on this subject because to do so will endanger the lives of those we are trying to help.” We had a meeting with Cap W. & Admiral Crowe (Chmn. joint Chiefs of staff ). This was on forming a plan for continuing the modernization of nuc. weapons at same time we are talking eliminating of such weapons. Our own people are going to challenge our doing this—while Russians will stiffen their backs if we show signs of not doing it. I’ve charged the chiefs to come up with a plan that meets this double problem.

Had an ec. briefing—things look good—employment increased in October by 382,000. Inflation last 12 mos. only 3.8%.

Then our restored Hostage arrived with his family—David Jacobson & sons & daughters. His statement to press was same line I’ve advocated—in short—“they should shut up.” It was an emotional & heartwarming meeting. He’s been a prisoner 17 mo’s. Now we are off to Camp D.

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