Diary Entry - 11/05/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to Yasuhiro Nakasone, Prime Minister of Japan.
President Reagan participates in a meeting with officials from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
President Reagan names Frank Carlucci as secretary of defense to succeed retiring Caspar W. Weinberger.
Staff meeting—a problem with our nominee Judge Ginsburg. Some one opposing him has revealed that in his younger days he smoked pot on several occasions. It was a brief thing back when a lot of people experimented a bit and that’s all it amounted to. I think the fellow who leaked it was a friend at the time who smoked it with him. I dont see any reason why I should withdraw his name. Then there was more on the deficit. Frankly I think the Demos. want a recession for the ’88 Campaign.
N.A.T.O. Sec. Gen. Lord Carrington in for a brief meeting. He’s most supportive of our getting the I.N.F. treaty signed.
Then to the Rose Garden—a ceremony for Cap W.’s resignation & replacement by Frank C. & Colin Powell to replace Frank at N.S.C.
Over to E.O.B. to receive report from my “Child Safety Partnership.” Awarded 8 individuals & organizations for their outstanding service. Lunch & a call to Bill Stout in Calif. who is terminal with heart ailment. Met with Cap W. Then desk time until 3:50 at which time had photos with Beryl Sprinkels staff & associates in C.E.A. Personnel time with Bob Tuttle. Then Admin time. Gave Citizens Medal to Dr. Paton for his work in organizing ORBIS & carrying it on. Met with leaders of Alzheimers Disease Assn. Yasmin was here. Visit by Mrs. & Mr. Terry Turner. She is niece of my old Coach Mac. Then a meeting with leaders of American Asian Society—an org. devoted to getting Am. Asian citizens to vote & participate in politics. Some departure photos & upstairs.