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Diary Entry - 11/05/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan places a call to Yasuhiro Nakasone, Prime Minister of Japan.

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with officials from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

  • President Reagan names Frank Carlucci as secretary of defense to succeed retiring Caspar W. Weinberger.

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Staff meeting—a problem with our nominee Judge Ginsburg. Some one opposing him has revealed that in his younger days he smoked pot on several occasions. It was a brief thing back when a lot of people experimented a bit and that’s all it amounted to. I think the fellow who leaked it was a friend at the time who smoked it with him. I dont see any reason why I should withdraw his name. Then there was more on the deficit. Frankly I think the Demos. want a recession for the ’88 Campaign.

N.A.T.O. Sec. Gen. Lord Carrington in for a brief meeting. He’s most supportive of our getting the I.N.F. treaty signed.

Then to the Rose Garden—a ceremony for Cap W.’s resignation & replacement by Frank C. & Colin Powell to replace Frank at N.S.C.

Over to E.O.B. to receive report from my “Child Safety Partnership.” Awarded 8 individuals & organizations for their outstanding service. Lunch & a call to Bill Stout in Calif. who is terminal with heart ailment. Met with Cap W. Then desk time until 3:50 at which time had photos with Beryl Sprinkels staff & associates in C.E.A. Personnel time with Bob Tuttle. Then Admin time. Gave Citizens Medal to Dr. Paton for his work in organizing ORBIS & carrying it on. Met with leaders of Alzheimers Disease Assn. Yasmin was here. Visit by Mrs. & Mr. Terry Turner. She is niece of my old Coach Mac. Then a meeting with leaders of American Asian Society—an org. devoted to getting Am. Asian citizens to vote & participate in politics. Some departure photos & upstairs.

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