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Diary Entry - 11/03/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan is presented with the first medallion commemorating the 40th anniversary of the National Security Council (NSC).

  • President Reagan announces to the press that he is going to nominate Ms. McLaughlin as Secretary of Labor.

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Staff time—mostly report of games our opponents are playing on the budget problem. They are trying to edge us into getting revenue from Social Security.

At 9:30 a meeting with Repub. Cong. leadership—the whole gang. A good meeting largely taken up by same subject—what to do in reducing the deficit. Then Geo. S. spoke about our upcoming summit & prospects of getting Sen. ratification of I.N.F. treaty. Believe it or not there are elements who are hinting it would be a bad treaty.

N.S.C.—was brief & something of a continuation.

Desk time until noon when I taped a 25 min. speech for “Worldnet.” It will be broadcast to about 40 countries. A late lunch and then to the Rose Garden to introduce Ann McLaughlin as new Sec. of Labor. In the afternoon which was pretty clear for a few hours—over to the dr. for sneeze shot & Flu shot. Then back to the Oval O. for photos with people from Office of Public Liaison (Nancy [Rebecca] Range). Following which I did a taping session in the Roosevelt Rm. Upstairs for a brief time then down to Blue Rm. for a reception—“Friends of Art & Preservation In Embassies.”

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