Diary Entry - 11/01/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to Susan Stele to offer encouragement as she prepares to walk for the first time in three years since becoming a quadriplegic.
The President and First Lady attend a farewell party in honor of departing Deputy Assistant for Political Affairs, A. Morgan Mason.
An easy day in that there were no meetings other than the issues briefing lunch & the usual staff meetings, N.S.C. etc. The press is really revealing its bias on this election eve. After lunch went to Geo.W. Hospital to see Ed Rollins in for a clot in his carotid artery. He looks fine. His parents were there—a very nice couple. It did seem a little strange walking in there. Incidentally Hinckley was caught in an escape attempt today. Back at the W.H. Came to the study & worked all afternoon on letters Anne Higgins thought I’d like to see. She was right. They are so upbeat, from all kinds of people—many with problems but they write to say they’ll handle them without govt. help. Tonite over to Mike Deavers for a farewell party for Morgan Mason who’s going to work for Rogers & Cowan in L.A. King Vidor died today—87. Nancy got word her mother has gall stones. This has been a terrible year & a half for Nancy beginning with my mishap March 30, 1981.