Diary Entry - 10/30/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan pre-tapes his radio address to the Nation on the Supreme Court nomination and Federal Deficit Reduction.
President Reagan welcomes and meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the U.S.S.R., Eduard A. Shevardnadze.
Usual staff time & N.S.C. meeting. Howard is taking Ginsburg up to the Hill to meet with some Senators. I taped my Sat. radio cast. An early lunch—then a briefing for meeting with Shevardnadze & then the meeting. George & Frank had been with them for some time & both sides had agreed to a communiqué to be released simultaneously. Shevardnadze had brought me a letter from Gorbachev. It was statesmanlike & indicated a real desire for us to work out any differences. The outcome of the letter & meetings was a summit to start here on Dec. 7. Purpose to sign I.N.F. agreement and set in motion START treaty to reduce I.C.B.M.’s by 50% & to finalize that at a summit in Moscow next Spring. On that note of optimism we lifted off the S. Lawn for Andrews A.F.B. & Air Force 1. With me on trip to Phoenix—all of Dicks family. Arrived around 5 P.M. at Ariz. Biltmore & met a tired Nancy who has been making all arrangements & closing down Deedees dwelling. Nine of us for dinner here in the suite—that included Ron & Doria. A pleasant reunion & so to bed.