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Diary Entry - 10/29/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 10-29-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Vice Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Huang Hua.

  • OPEC sets a single price of $34 per barrel of crude oil through 1982.

View the President's Schedule
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Met with Huang Hua. There is a real push going on. China is virtually delivering an ultimatum re arms to Taiwan. I dont like ultimatums. We have a moral obligation & until a peaceful settlement is reached between the mainland & Taiwan we’re going to meet that obligation. Now to Bethesda for our check up & tomorrow to Camp David. I won a purple heart. A Fleets E. before boarding Marine 1 and upon arrival at the Naval Hospt. right in for the Barium E. That is an experience I’ve never had before—Oh, I’ve had B.E.’s but they have a new procedure that’s worse than March 30th. One of the young ladies (Navy) made me a paper purple heart & I wore it. Finally our 1st meal in 2 days.

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