Diary Entry - 10/23/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to New York City, New York for the 40th Anniversary of the United Nations.
President Reagan meets privately with leaders of many nations including Bolivia, Pakistan, India, and the United Kingdom.
Off to N.Y. & the U.N.’s 40th Anniversary. We helicoptered into N.Y. from Newark Airport—then motorcade to the Waldorf. The streets were lined with people & I was really moved by their reception. Ambas. Walters had met us. We had a briefing at the hotel by Sec. Whitehead who had met with Moubarak & Craxi. I think that flurry is all over—neither of those 2 want a rift with us.
About 1 P.M. left for the U.N.—a reception & lunch including at least 18 heads of state. I was between the Gen. Sec. de Cuellar & Pres. Jorge of Dominican Repub. (he was flanked by V.P. of Bolivia). The V.P. was eager to plead his case about communist subversion in his co. & International drug dealing. I’m going to take this up with our team & see if we cant lend a hand.
Then back to the hotel where I met Nancy who had been in N.Y. for several days.
Back at the hotel I had meeting with Pres. Zia of Pakistan, P.M. Gandhi of India & old friend Margaret Thatcher of U.K. At 7 P.M. downstairs for a reception—heads of state & spouses. After the receiving line a few mini-bi laterals as I made my way through the crowd. Ortega of Nicaragua wanted one but I said “no.” Then upstairs for pvt. dinner & beddy bye.