Diary Entry - 10/22/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan speaks with Frederick K. Biebel, Deputy Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC).
President Reagan spends most of the day campaigning in Southern California and Oregon.
Off to K.C. for debate Number 2—on Foreign Policy. The consensus seems to be that I won although some want to call it a tie. A rally before the debate was a little like the Homecoming bonfire before the big game. I felt fine—certainly different than I felt in Louisville.
The next morning we parted company—Nancy off on a campaign trip by herself & me off to Calif. Ron & Doria had surprised me by showing up in K.C. for the debate. I was quite touched. They rode A.F.1 back to Calif. with us. My 1st stop in Calif. was at Palmdale for the view of a B.1.B. bomber. Some 10,000 U.A.W. members in a giant hangar & as enthused as the G.O.P convention. Then onto San Diego for an open air rally. Again a great turnout of young people. Next an airport rally at Medford Oregon 18,000 people. We went on to Portland Oregon for overnight. The day was a great one & there were more to follow. Tues. morning the rally was at Portland U. A small group of hecklers gave me a chance for a little repartee which went over big with the students & others. We left immediately for Seattle & another giant rally. Then on to Columbus Ohio for the night. Wed. morning a brief talk to a local broadcasters convention. Then to Ohio St. U. for a giant rally. The O.S.U. students were on fire. Another small heckler group only added to the fun. By this time I was so in love with young America I was all choked up. For lunch we went to the Teke house (T.K.E.), my fraternity. These have been the greatest four days I can remember. Mondale dug up a letter I wrote to Nixon in 1960 and has tried to say I likened him to Marx & Hitler. Now the press is after me because of a little band of clerics who charge that I’m basing my policies on the expectation of Armageddon. Mr. Mondale is desperate.
On to Wash. & a ceremony with some of the medical students we rescued on Grenada & some of the mil. who did it. Nancy is due home any minute.