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Diary Entry - 10/22/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attempts to speak with a man holding hostages at the golf course where the President is playing.

  • 600,000 demonstrators in West Germany protest the planned installation of D.S. medium-range nuclear missiles in Europe.

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About 2:30 in the morning awakened again: this time with the tragic news that more than 100 Marines in Beirut had been killed by a car bomb driven by a suicide driver who drove the truck right into the H.Q. building & blew up with it. All our plans changed—we arranged to depart the cottage at 6:30 A.M. & go back to Wash. Of course by this time it was Sun. Oct. 23. I’ve spent the day in meetings on this & Grenada. We’re going to go on with the invasion. Tonite our men are staging a landing to gather intelligence. If everything is OK tomorrow night is D. day—well actually it will be early morning Tues. Meanwhile Gen. Kelley (Marines) is leaving for Lebanon. We all believe Iranians did this bombing just as they did with our embassy last April.

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