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Diary Entry - 10/21/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan speaks at a Victory '88 Rally in Raleigh, NC.

  • President Reagan addresses a Bush/Quayle Rally in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

  • A federal grand jury in New York indicts former Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos and his wife, Imelda, on charges of fraud and racketeering.

View the President's Schedule
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Boarded Marine 1—off to Andrews—not to A.F.1—a smaller plane this time—one of the airports is too small to handle the big plane. We’re off to Raleigh N.C. then to Bowling Green Ky. At Raleigh—met by Dr. Hitchings—1988 Nobel Laureate in medicine, Gov. Jim Martin, Sen. Jesse Helms & Dotty. We went on to Civic Center. Other candidates were on platform. Gov. Martin introduced me & I spoke to a large & enthusiastic crowd. Later I spoke a few words in another room to special donors & then did a receiving line & photos. Back out to the airport & off for Bowling Green Ky. Had lunch on plane 1 1⁄2 hour flight. Among greeters was an old friend & former Gov. Louis Nunn. Motored to Western Ky. U. arena (Diddle Arena) 12,000 people including Uni. students on hand. Had a reception & photo session with Uni. officials & officials of Bush, Quayle campaign. Then on stage & addressed another warm & boisterous crowd.

My introduction was the playing of the R.N.C. Convention film. At conclusion of my speech they presented me with a Red White & Blue basketball on which was printed Bush-Quayle 88. I went down some steps from the dais to a toe marker & shot—with 12,000 watching a basket—missed on 1st try & sank the next one.

Then it was back to the plane & off to Andrews. Discovered on way Marine 1 could not land at Camp David. Nancy, the Wicks & Dubersteins were waiting at Andrews. We picked them up in our mini A.F.1—went to Frederick—landed there in rain & motored to Camp D.—rain all the way. Just time for a shower & change of clothes—then dinner & the 6 of us watched a movie. After I was in bed my calls came from House & Sen. Leaders telling me the legislature had adjourned. At least we got the drug bill.

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