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Diary Entry - 10/19/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends the 25th Anniversary Celebration of NASA at the Air and Space Museum.

  • President Reagan participates in his 20th Press Conference since taking office.

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Discussion about a successor to Bud MacFarlane in Beirut. It wont be a problem we have several good choices. Presented Presidential awards to selected Math & Science tchrs. from all over Am. Jim Watt came by. He’s in good spirits. He knew that in carrying out my policies his days would be numbered. Actually he thought he would have had to leave sooner than he did. He gave me a report on his stewardship and it reveals the hypocrisy of the Environmental Lynch mob. I dont think the Dept. of Interior or our Nat. Parks & wild lands have ever been in better shape. Greeted the business leaders who are volunteers in our bond sale campaign. After lunch went to the Air & Space museum to celebrate the N.A.S.A. 25th birthday. Saw a film on the “Shuttle” in a process called “IMAX.” It is the most spectacular thing of its kind I’ve ever seen. Brf’d. for the press conference for 2 hours. Then at 8 P.M. the conference. It went well—no grenades or torpedoes.

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