Diary Entry - 10/18/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction talks in Vienna, Austria.
President Reagan meets with board members of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation to discuss choosing an architect for the Library.
A huddle on the speech to the U.N. next week. Some wanted it more harsh toward the Soviets than I think it should be. I won. N.S.C. meeting—wide disagreement on whether to make a new presentation on the M.B.F.R. talks in Vienna. They’ve been going on for 10 yrs. Kohl & Thatcher want a new proposal—D.O.D. opposes. I’m inclined to go with K. & T. For one thing they hang their proposal on a strict, intrusive verification procedure. If the U.S.S.R. doesn’t agree—no reduction in forces. If they do agree it will be the 1st time ever.
I met with some top C.E.O.’s to solicit their help with Cong. on our deficit plan.
The Egyptian Ambas. came by with a lengthy letter from Moubarak. Pres. M. is pleading for understanding but still charging us with humiliating him etc. The Ambas. almost in a whisper said—“put yourself in our place.” I said: “that should be mutual.”
Over to E.O.B. to pitch the deficit plan to a coalition of groups supporting—reduce the deficit.
Nancy came over to the Oval O. & we met with a group of board members of the R.R. Library Foundation. The topic was choosing an architect for the Library etc. Another meeting with Geo. S.—topic—the summit & then upstairs.