Diary Entry - 10/18/1984

Key Facts
The President and First Lady meet a group of World War II pilots gathered for their departure to New York.
President Reagan meets with Henry Kissinger to discuss U.S. - Soviet relations.
Started the day with rehearsal for debate. Then met & had a photo with Carlos Lopez (Portugal) who won the Olympic Marathon. He’s a very small man—age 37.
Then it was off to N.Y. for the Al Smith dinner. Henry Kissinger came by the hotel, we had a good session. He feels my firmness about the Soviets has worked & that if I’m elected they’ll want to get together on arms talks.
Sonny & Leah Werblin came by—he is Toastmaster for the dinner. Then Arch Bishop O’Connor came to escort us to the reception. It is a tradition of the affair that there be a receiving line. We must have shaken more than 1000 hands (1 hr. & 15 min.). Mondale sent regrets which was taken as quite an affront by the people of N.Y. Nancy stayed over & I came back to the W.H.