Diary Entry - 10/18/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with members of the National Venture Capital Association to receive the William A. Steiger Award in recognition of the economic recovery program.
President Reagan participates in meeting to receive the final report of the Military Manpower Task Force.
Our appointed & temporary Sen. from N.J. Sen. Brady came by. He’s a good man—28 yrs. on Wall St. He’s convinced Prime int. rate will be down to 10 by end of year. Reps. of the foundation for or I should say the Nat. Venture Cap. Assn. came by to present the Bill Steiger award to me for contribution to their cause which is getting more capital investment for small & independent businesses. We lowered the Cap gains rate to 20%. Bill Steiger’s widow, young son & father were there. Bill was a Congressman who got the tax reduced from 49 to 28%. He was a child diabetic and died as a young man. Issues lunch—nothing startling. Met with mil. manpower commission—our Vol. force is really working & so is R.O.T.C. & the active reserve—the Nat. Guard. Had some bill signings then went up to our quarters for tea with the King of Norway. Tonite another teleconference with Repubs. in 15 cities & the cands. in those areas. I think it was very successful.