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Diary Entry - 10/18/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 10-18-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with members of the National Venture Capital Association to receive the William A. Steiger Award in recognition of the economic recovery program.

  • President Reagan participates in meeting to receive the final report of the Military Manpower Task Force.

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Our appointed & temporary Sen. from N.J. Sen. Brady came by. He’s a good man—28 yrs. on Wall St. He’s convinced Prime int. rate will be down to 10 by end of year. Reps. of the foundation for or I should say the Nat. Venture Cap. Assn. came by to present the Bill Steiger award to me for contribution to their cause which is getting more capital investment for small & independent businesses. We lowered the Cap gains rate to 20%. Bill Steiger’s widow, young son & father were there. Bill was a Congressman who got the tax reduced from 49 to 28%. He was a child diabetic and died as a young man. Issues lunch—nothing startling. Met with mil. manpower commission—our Vol. force is really working & so is R.O.T.C. & the active reserve—the Nat. Guard. Had some bill signings then went up to our quarters for tea with the King of Norway. Tonite another teleconference with Repubs. in 15 cities & the cands. in those areas. I think it was very successful.

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