Diary Entry - 10/17/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses students and guests at Archbishop Carroll and All Saints High School.
President and Mrs. Reagan host a luncheon for the Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients.
After morning meetings left for Archbishop Carroll High School: Met by Cardinal Hickey. But 1st of course I was in the usual meetings. I should be talking about the weather. Yesterday & today are & were about as perfect weather wise as a day could be.
In the 1st meeting a little summing up as this is last week Congress is in session. The drug bill has to go to conference—differences in House & Sen. bills. That may mean a delay til after recess. Then some talk about the lousiest pol. trick ever played. A discharged employee of Designer Jimmy Galanos has hit the press by way of “Time mag.” Claims he’s writing a book on the Reagans. Then he claims Nancy has bought $1.4 mil. worth of gowns at special favor prices. That she’s borrowed & not given back scores of others etc. If what he says was true she could be in for tax evasion etc. None of this crud is true & her assailant is a Greek—way out in front for Dukakis. Does anyone say this isn’t a political trick.
Some schedule & campaign talk closed the meeting.
N.S.C.—We’re waiting for word on the plant closing negotiations with the Philippines. I’ve another letter on the way to Pres. Aquino. Another meeting here with the Mexicans. I think we’ve arranged a 3 1⁄2 bil. $ loan to help them out.
Pakistanis have made official their claim Zia’s plane was sabotaged. Some talk about Korea & Pres. Roh’s efforts to bridge the gap with N. Korea.
Assad (Pres. of Syria) made a secret visit to Moscow. Our information is that Moscow is now demanding cash payment for military supplies. A brief desk time then over to the high school. Cardinal Hickey took me up to the chapel 1st to see the altar used by Arch Bishop Carroll more than 200 yrs. ago—the first Catholic altar in the U.S.
Then down to the Gym. Introduced by Cardinal. Speech was to students & not political—well received. Then back to W.H. got Nancy & downstairs to luncheon for 8 recipients of Medals of Freedom. There were 3 received by a son & 2 widows; Brown of AFL, W. J. Marriott, Mac Baldridge. The other 5 were Dave Packard, Milton Friedman, Mrs. McArthur, Pearl Bailey & Chf. Justice Warren Burger.
Back to the office—some desk work, mainly catching up with Photo signings. Then a haircut & upstairs. Exercise & shower. And now it’s dinner time. Then to bed.