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Diary Entry - 10/16/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with a group of Soviet students in the U.S. for a study program under the auspices of the U.S. Information Agency.

  • President Reagan participates in a briefing on the proposed Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1987.

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Again a general discussion of candidates for openings on Cabinet. I’ve reversed myself—new Sec. of Defense will be Frank C.—I’ll make Gen. Colin Powell Dir. of Nat. Security. Had an N.S.P.G. meeting on latest P. Gulf incident—Iran Silkworm missile hit an American owned Tanker at anchor. Our discussion was—action we should take. I think we agreed we’re generally agreeable on a single target response—minimum risk to personnelle theirs & ours.

After lunch—met with a group of Soviet high school students who are 1st of our agreement to exchange students. They were at Phillips prep school—ours are at a school in a city in Siberia.

Met with Cap W. gave him word on Frank. Then over to E.O.B. for signing of letters to Congress delivering our 3 step war on crime legislation. Then upstairs in W.H. meeting with Alan Greenspan, Jim Baker, Beryl Sprinkel & our gang on the stock market plunge. I’m concerned about money supply—has Fed been too tight. Alan doesn’t agree & believes this is only an overdue correction.

Did my radio tape because tomorrow I’ll be at hospital with Nancy. She faces a possible mastectomy. This morning she was in N.H. for a program linking—Foster Grand Parents & the Anti-Drug program. Early dinner & then to Bethesda to get her bedded down for tomorrows surgery. Her brother Dick was with us.

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