Diary Entry - 10/16/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan receives word that the body of the American murdered by hijackers of the Italian cruise ship washed ashore with 2 gunshot wounds.
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss the Secretary's recent trip to a NATO meeting and the upcoming summit.
The body washed up on Syrian shore is that of Mr. Klinghofer complete with 2 bullet holes which lays to rest the lies told by the P.L.O. that he died of a heart attack. A cable informed me Defense Minister & party chief Spadolini in Italy pulled the rug out from under P.M. Craxi by taking his party out of the coalition. Craxi has been on thin ice & I guess this was just taking advantage of the high jacking. Susumo Nikaido of Japan came by. He’s been here on a trade mission & I think he’s going back convinced that the protectionism threat on the hill is real. He’ll go back promoting more effort by Japan to open up markets.
Then former Gov. of Vermont Dick Snelling came in. We’ve been urging him to run for the Sen. against Pat Leahy. Today he said yes to us.
George Shultz back from N.A.T.O. meeting—we talked mostly about the coming summit. Then over to the E.O.B. to address a meeting of Jewish Leaders each of whom has given at least $250,000 to charity.
Dick Wirthlin came by with new poll. The hi-jacking bit nudged me up considerably on job rating.
Had the stitches taken out of my nose, thank heaven, but still have to wear some tape for awhile.
After dinner went by the farewell dinner for Sen. Russell Long. I said a few words about him—he is really a good guy.