Diary Entry - 10/15/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan gives a radio address to the Nation on the Federal budget and upcoming Congressional elections.
Mrs. Reagan throws the first pitch of first game of the 1988 World Series.
And Nancy is off again, this time to L.A. to throw out the 1st ball tonite as the World Series starts. A leisurely morning here & then my radiocast—this time on who is responsible for deficits in Fed. Spending—who? The Congress.
Well—spent the day reading & checking over things for the Library. Then exercise—shower & dinner. Watched 1st game of World Series. Saw Nancy throw out the 1st ball—she done good. Also told crowd & T.V. audience about the need to step up the anti-drug campaign. Dodgers won 6 to 5 with an exciting come from behind finish. And so to bed.