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Diary Entry - 10/15/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 10-15-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan enjoys lunch at the local McDonalds in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

  • President Reagan is presented with the keys to the City of Macon, Alabama by Mayor Israel.

  • The Central Intelligence Agency's Freedom of Information Act passes.

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To the U. of Alabama. There in the auditorium 9000 students. It was a heartwarming experience. They acted like it was the G.O.P. convention.

From there to Macon, Georgia for a rally—crowd about 20,000. Again a wild enthusiastic crowd, where he met with the Mayor of Macon, Georgia, George Israel and received a key to the city. On to Greenville S.C. joined by Carol Campbell & Strom Thurmond. First I toured a kind of technical college training students in all kinds of skills in today’s high tech world. Their Pres. was an All American footballer at Clemson. The Clemson band was on hand & students from other schools such as Furman. Then back to Wash.

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