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Diary Entry - 10/15/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the quality of life in America.

  • President Reagan goes horseback riding at Camp David.

  • U.S. Marine sharpshooters killed five snipers at Beirut International Airport.

View the President's Schedule
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Fri. evening I called Pat O’ Brien in St. Johns hospital in S.M. [Santa Monica] Calif. He’s just had a prostate removal. He sounded fine & told me a joke—Irish of course. On Sat. I called his widow Heloise. He had died suddenly of a massive heart attack. The weekend weather was magnificent. We rode Sat. afternoon. The phone was busy. I’m being lobbied on behalf of Jeanne Kirkpatrick for the N.S.C. job. I fear there would be bad chemistry with Geo. S. & State. I lean toward Bud MacFarlane. Some lobbying is going on for Brent Scowcroft. I’ll have to decide tomorrow. Jeanne wants out of the U.N. and I dont want to lose her to the admin. She may have her heart set on Bills job. I’m going to try & find something else & then ask Jim Baker if he’d like the U.N. job. I spent some of my time picking up acorns—a big bag of them. I’m going to give them to the Squirrels outside the Oval office.

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