Diary Entry - 10/15/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the quality of life in America.
President Reagan goes horseback riding at Camp David.
U.S. Marine sharpshooters killed five snipers at Beirut International Airport.
Fri. evening I called Pat O’ Brien in St. Johns hospital in S.M. [Santa Monica] Calif. He’s just had a prostate removal. He sounded fine & told me a joke—Irish of course. On Sat. I called his widow Heloise. He had died suddenly of a massive heart attack. The weekend weather was magnificent. We rode Sat. afternoon. The phone was busy. I’m being lobbied on behalf of Jeanne Kirkpatrick for the N.S.C. job. I fear there would be bad chemistry with Geo. S. & State. I lean toward Bud MacFarlane. Some lobbying is going on for Brent Scowcroft. I’ll have to decide tomorrow. Jeanne wants out of the U.N. and I dont want to lose her to the admin. She may have her heart set on Bills job. I’m going to try & find something else & then ask Jim Baker if he’d like the U.N. job. I spent some of my time picking up acorns—a big bag of them. I’m going to give them to the Squirrels outside the Oval office.