Diary Entry - 10/15/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to Philadelphia, PA to attend the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, where he outlines his policy on world economic development.
President Reagan travels to New Jersey to attend two fundraising receptions for the Republican Gubernatorial candidate.
Short morning in the office—greeted newly appointed members of the Export board. Then off to Phil. & N.J.—airports too small to handle A.F.1 so took a small job—a Gulf Stream I think. It doesn’t take many trips in A.F.1 to spoil you. Addressed Foreign Relations Council in Phil. The speech was really meant for the nations going to Cancun to plant the idea we weren’t going to buy their idea of a new international bureaucracy empowered to share the wealth. Speech well received. A couple of hecklers got into the balcony—seems they dont like nuclear weapons. Met with Phil. leaders of various voluntary programs—United Fund etc. I took in with me a 16 yr. old Black youth, John Terry. John lives with his 4 brothers & 4 sisters & widowed mother. Twice each week he sweeps & cleans up the sidewalks in his block & picks up trash in a nearby park. He refuses to take compensation for this. His mother must be a remarkable woman. John gives credit to her for the way he feels about things. In N.J. two fundraising receptions for Tom Kean, candidate for Gov. He’s a fine young man in a very close race against a Congressman who has voted against everything we stand for. We lost the vote on A.W.A.C.S. in Foreign Relations Comm. 9 to 8—all D’s but one—Rudy Boschwitz. Back on the plane & a box lunch. Ky. fried chicken and home 10 minutes ahead of schedule.