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Diary Entry - 10/13/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan greets the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards on his way back to the White House.

  • President Reagan participates in photo opportunities with 40 top donors from New Jersey.

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Up early—Nancy had to give the Dr. & Nurse some blood for her upcoming surgery. Staff meeting without the V.P. now that he’s a declared candidate he’s out on the trail. Talked mainly about the Supreme Court & possible replacements for Bork. Howard brought up the name of a lady. Brock had decided to announce his resignation as Sec. of Labor to handle Doles campaign. N.S.C.—discussion of I.N.F. treaty as it appears to be & question as to whether we can get it ratified. The Dem’s. in the Sen. are feeling their oats.

Then off to N.J. The visiting Scottish Dragoon Band played me off on the S. Lawn.

We flew to Newark Airport and then helicoptered to the Somerset N.J. Somerset Technologies plant—another story of a plant that is booming. Gov. Tom Kean was with me. They had a Forum set up—a dozen CEO’s of other businesses. Five of them were introduced by Gov. Kean. They talked of N.J. & how it is booming because of our recovery. Then I gave a short speech which was well received. The audience was the plant labor force.

Then we drove to the Somerset Hilton to address the Chamber of Commerce lunch. Here too everything went well. After lunch we went back to the helicopter & flew to Whippany N.J. & the Hanover Marriott hotel. I spoke to a Repub. fundraiser. Their state legislators election is coming up in a few weeks. Tom Kean introduced me. After the speech which was well received I met with 40 top Donors for photos. Later I met a little blind girl who is a cancer victim & her family. Her mother is also blind. Meeting me was the request of the little girl who is terminal. Her brother & father are sound. Then it was back to the Newark airport & A.F.1 to Wash. Arrived at the W.H. at 5:15. Had a sneeze shot & upstairs to a quiet evening.

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