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Diary Entry - 10/12/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 10-12-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a whistle-stop tour of about 250 miles through Ohio aboard U.S. Car One, a custom built Pullman railroad car.

  • The IRA bombs the hotel where Margaret Thatcher was staying in Brighton.

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Off to Dayton Ohio for “Whistle Stop” tour across Ohio. In Dayton the rally was in front of the old Montgomery Co. Court House. A tremendous crowd. Former Gov. Jim Rhodes introduced me after a speech demanding that Mondale make his health records public. Before the day was out a report (ignored almost entirely by the press) came out. Hes on drugs for his blood pressure & has an enlarged prostate.

Then down to the depot & we boarded the train. I was in the car Harry Truman used for his “Whistle Stop” in 1948—36 yrs. & 1 day ago. It had been F.D.R.s car & later Ikes. Our 1st stop was Sidney, then Lima, Ottawa, Deshler & finally after dark Perrysburg. The tally showed more than 100,000 people at those 5 stops & no counting of the crowds at all the small towns we passed through. I went out on the platform with a hand mike for all of those. It was a really great day. We got back to Wash. about 10 P.M. Nancy met me at Andrews A.F. base & we helicoptered to Camp David. I called Margaret Thatcher from the train re the I.R.A. bombing at Brighton which almost got her.

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