Diary Entry - 10/12/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a whistle-stop tour of about 250 miles through Ohio aboard U.S. Car One, a custom built Pullman railroad car.
The IRA bombs the hotel where Margaret Thatcher was staying in Brighton.
Off to Dayton Ohio for “Whistle Stop” tour across Ohio. In Dayton the rally was in front of the old Montgomery Co. Court House. A tremendous crowd. Former Gov. Jim Rhodes introduced me after a speech demanding that Mondale make his health records public. Before the day was out a report (ignored almost entirely by the press) came out. Hes on drugs for his blood pressure & has an enlarged prostate.
Then down to the depot & we boarded the train. I was in the car Harry Truman used for his “Whistle Stop” in 1948—36 yrs. & 1 day ago. It had been F.D.R.s car & later Ikes. Our 1st stop was Sidney, then Lima, Ottawa, Deshler & finally after dark Perrysburg. The tally showed more than 100,000 people at those 5 stops & no counting of the crowds at all the small towns we passed through. I went out on the platform with a hand mike for all of those. It was a really great day. We got back to Wash. about 10 P.M. Nancy met me at Andrews A.F. base & we helicoptered to Camp David. I called Margaret Thatcher from the train re the I.R.A. bombing at Brighton which almost got her.