Diary Entry - 10/11/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends an International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting with Nicholas Brady, Secretary of the Treasury.
President Reagan attends and addresses a reception for Republican Senatorial candidates.
Violence begins to subside in Algeria, where mass rioting by youths broken out a week earlier, prompting the government to declare a state of siege.
Some talk about the Canada election. Polls indicate Mulroneys Torys are out in front by 18 points.
Then we discussed the drug bill. It may come together before they go home but we dont know. The House is marking time waiting to see what the Sen. will do.
We need to provide the Contras with some hope. A proposal has been made that I threaten to call the Congress back in a special session to get them to act now.
Some talk about Marcos. Justice dept. wants to indict him—I believe we should suggest a deal—he gives Philippine govt. a bundle of money & we lay off.
Some talk of my speech schedule for last few months in office.
N.S.C.—Colin brought up Contra matter. He supports idea of me threatening to call Cong. back.
Duarte (Pres. of Salvadore) back in hospital here. I called him. He says it was to check & that his liver cancer is reduced by half.
In keeping with I.N.F. treaty we’ve notified U.S.S.R. we’ll be taking space photos of SS25 missiles in it’s garage. They are to open the door so we can see it’s not an SS20. Treaty lets us do this 6 times a year.
One icebreaker off Alaska has Canadian OK on going through North West passage to get home.
A short but nice meeting with Prince Sihanouk (Cambodia). Some personal time then a photo with officials of Reserve Officers Assn. Rcvd. a plaque.
Lunch & afterward a visit by Virginia & Harry Smith (cousins). They brought a quilt made by a 5th grade class—simply beautiful. It contains in 50 squares the bird & flower of each of the states.
A short visit with Jim Stewart—one of Peter Graces volunteers. Then a photo with Kathys family.
An N.S.C. meeting—briefed on security measures [. . .] More desk time—spent it signing photos for kids who made the quilt.
Half hour with my biographer Edmund Morris.
Did 40 T.V. ads for candidates. Got my sneeze shot. Then upstairs where I learned of Bunny Wrathers death—cancer.
Then over to Fundraiser for 2 Sen. candididates at Hyatt Regency hotel. Usual receiving & photo line—then addressed the main group. Back to W.H. in time for dinner with Nancy & Ted G.