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Diary Entry - 10/11/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan asks why the Soviets reneged on purchasing the agreed upon 6 million tons of grain from U.S. growers - not enough money.

  • President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev began talking about arms control in the afternoon meetings.

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A.M. a briefing session then a 5 min. drive to the meeting place—a waterfront home. I was host for the 1st session. Gorby & I met 1st with interpreters & note takers. Then he proposed we bring in Geo. S. & Shevardnadze. That’s the way it went for all the meetings. We got into Human Rt’s. Regional things & bipartisan agreements on our exchange programs etc. I told him I couldn’t go home if I didn’t bring up why they reneged on their commitment to buy 6 mil. tons of grain. He claimed lower oil prices—they didn’t have the money.

Then it was plain they wanted to get to arms control—so we did.

In the afternoon we had at it and looked like some progress as he went along with willingness to reduce nuc. weapons.

At the end of a long day Geo. S. suggested we take all the notes & give them to our teams to put together so we could see what had been agreed & where were sticking points. They worked until 2 A.M.

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