Diary Entry - 10/11/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan speaks with Prime Minister of Italy Bettino Craxi to discuss the prosecution of the hijackers turned over to his government.
President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting to discuss the aftermath of the cruise ship hijacking.
President Reagan bans importation of South African Krugerrands.
Well my nose will show—so I prefaced a statement to the press on the hi jacking by calling attention to the plaster on my nose and explained what had been done.
Of course the big news was that our Navy F 14’s had intercepted the Egyptian plane carrying the hi-jackers & forced them down on Sicily—the N.A.T.O. base in Sigonella.
Americans as well as friends abroad are standing 6 inches taller. We’re flooded with wires & calls.
This happened lateThurs. evening and there were other kinds of calls half the night—such as my call to P.M. Craxi of Italy asking that we be allowed to fly the 4 to the U.S. for prosecution here. He explained that he didn’t have the authority—Italian magistrates are independent of the Govt. Well the upshot is, Italy will prosecute but we are putting in an extradition request just in case. Moubarik is offended & called our act piracy. I think he’s playing to his own audience. The Egyptian people are partial to the P.L.O.
Well back to Fri. An N.S.P.G. meeting about our handling of all these matters—then a meeting with George Shultz. And off to Camp David. There were more calls there.