Diary Entry - 10/08/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses the largest indoor rally in Georgia's history.
President Reagan receives word that Bernard Kalb has resigned his post at the State Department claiming his action as a protest.
Into the office at 9 for usual staff meetings then out to Marine 1 for flight to Andrews A.F. base. On the way to the chopper I stopped and told the press the Dem. Ldrshp. in the House was holding up the budget process by tying amendments having to do with Nat. Security to the bill. They would in effect be doing Gorbachevs work for him.
Then on to A.F.1 and on our way to Raleigh NC. Met by Gov. Jim Martin & Dottie and Mrs. Jim Broyhill, Louise. Jim had to stay in Wash. First did a receiving line & photos with about 75 donors. Then into the Civic Center—a big & enthusiastic crowd. Louise introduced the Gov. & he introduced me. My pitch for Jims election to the Sen. was well received. Then on to Atlanta GA. This was for Sen. Mack Mattinglys re-election. There were 14,000 present—the largest indoor pol. rally in Ga’s. history. We landed at Dobbins A.F. base. Carolyn—Mrs. Mattingly was with us—again this Sen. had to stay in Wash. Another photo reception for more than 100 donors & then into the rally. The most enthusiastic crowd I’ve met so far.
This time my speech seemed to go better then ever. On way home learned that Bernard Kalb has resigned at St. Dept. claiming it was in protest over our trying to use the press by spreading disinformation (lies) to the press. He exempted Geo. S. from any blame thus dropping it on me. Naturally the press was screaming Q’s at me. I simply but forcefully replied—“we haven’t lied to anyone.” I’m getting suspicious—here I am 12 hrs. away from leaving for Iceland and a half dozen attempts are being made to render me impotent & helpless in the face of Gorbachev. Well I’ll just sleep on it.