Diary Entry - 10/05/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses victims and survivors of the Holocaust at the ceremony for the laying of the cornerstone for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.
President and Mrs. Reagan participate in a photo session for Vanity Fair magazine, a special called "1988 Christmas Hall of Fame."
Israel banns Meir Kahane's Kach Party on grounds of racism.
A beautiful Fall day—clear, sunny, cool & no humidity. First meeting 9 A.M. Talk about the veto vote of course. Dan Rostenkowski (Dem.) Chmn. House Ways & Means Comm. was of tremendous help to us. He’s been that way on a number of important issues. He is truly bipartisan.
Some discussion of my use (in speeches) of the figure 62.7% of Ams. male & female from age 16 & up employed is not completely clear to the audience. I think I can add a little explanation that will clear things up. It is the highest percentage in our history.
N.S.C.—Colin brought A. B. Culvahouse in to explain a situation being distorted in the press. Charge has been made that I have decided on exec. order & will now approve assassinations as part of anti-terrorist programs. Truth is I have not. My order against such acts is still in force.
We have a problem with Canada about one of our ice breakers in the northern seas considered Canadian territory can be made to return to it’s Seattle port by going down to the Panama Canal & up the Pacific Coast if Canada wont permit it’s passage through the N.W. Passage. We are seeking Canadas permission.
At 9:55 President Momoh of Sierra Leone came by—photos & brief visit. We have 150 Peace Corps vol’s. working in his country. Some desk time then I went to the Corner Stone Laying ceremony for the Holocaust Memorial Museum at Raoul Wallenberg Place. It was quite an affair with several speakers including some victims of the Nazi concentration camps. My remarks were very well received.
Back to W.H. at 12:30 for lunch. At 1:10 had photo with Gov. Jim Martin & Sec. Jim Burnley on the program of “Govt. Leaders Against Drunk Drivers.” Gov. Martin is 1st leader to join. Then a photo with new head of V.F.W. I was presented with their highest honor—a medal. Then a young lady who is our cand. for Sen. from Wisconsin—she’s neck & neck against a millionaire businessman. Sen. seat is one Proxmire is retiring from.
A taping session—8 dif. occasions. Then a photo session with Nancy for Vanity Fair Mag.
At 3:45 met with Tanya & Yuri Zieman & their daughter (12) Vera also their other daughter & her husband who have been in America for awhile. We had succeeded in getting Yuri, Tanya & Vera out of the Soviet U. to unite the family. Then it was upstairs—to exercise, shower & dinner. And watch the V.P. debate. I think Quale did very well & Bentson got away with some blatant falsehoods. Mermie was here with us.