Diary Entry - 10/05/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with Carlton E. Turner, Director of the Drug Abuse Policy Office to discuss drug abuse and drug trafficking.
President Reagan participates in a briefing on Soviet Space with officials from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The Lebanese AImy commences a sweep through West Beirut to begin reestablishing the government's authority over the capital.
A big day—Al Spiegel, Lunch with Feldstein, met with Baker & Michel, A meeting with Patriarch Diodorus of Jerusalem, Greek Orthodox Church, Bill Clements, Presented with Am. Eagle award by “Invest in Am. Nat. Council.’’ Taped message on Marines 207th B.D. Haircut & reception for Young President’s org. Al is concerned about a growing anti-semitism & I concede anger at Begin & Sharon has made that possible. We’ll do all we can to stop it. The Patriarch awarded me the “great cross” as the foremost peace maker in the world. It contains a sliver from the cross upon which our Lord was crucified. Bill Clements says we’re doing alright in Texas—but farmers need some help. The award of the Eagle—was a large, beautiful ceramic Bald Eagle. The reception for the “Young Presidents” was most enjoyable. The news—C.B.S. & Wash. Post described my trip to Ohio as a chilly reception. That is blatant falsehood. I’ve never been greeted with greater warmth & enthusiasm. I think their bias toward the Dems. is showing.