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Diary Entry - 10/04/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 10-04-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan and Vice President Bush participate in a briefing for a group of incumbent Republican Members of Congress and Congressional candidates.

  • President Reagan participates in two practice sessions for the debate.

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Opened the day with briefing & rehearsal for debate. Then an East Room meeting with all our Congressmen & cand’s. for Congress. It’s a campaign type of kickoff for them. Two yrs. ago we did it on the Capitol steps. This time Tip O’Neill refused to allow it. It was a good affair & I think they go home all revved up.

Two practice sessions for debate with Dave Stockman playing Mondale—Mondale should be so good. Viewed film of Mondales “primary” debates.

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