Diary Entry - 10/03/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a radio address to the Nation on voluntarism and the Supreme Court nomination.
The President and First Lady watch the movie "The Princess Bride."
Did radio show—had to cancel ride. Day stayed rainy all the way. Jim Kuhn brought word of phone calls from Jim Baker re possible meeting with Jim at David. This has to do with endless negotiations with Canada on P.M. Mulroneys Free Trade proposals. They are being difficult & midnight is deadline for us. Finally at bed time a call that discussions were going on. I agreed to my signature (auto pen) on a statement to Congress before midnight.
Early morning call that at 8 min. to 12 they reached agreement. So Sunday dawned a beautiful sunshine (but cold) day. Tried to phone Sen. Hatch about his great performance on “Meet the Press.” Had to wait til 5 P.M. & try again. In meantime I made congratulatory call to P.M. Mulroney. Watched (when I could) Redskins-Cardinals game between the strikebreakers in the N.F.L. It was a darn good game.