Diary Entry - 10/03/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to Clare Boothe Luce, former diplomat, playwright, and former Member of Congress.
The President and First Lady watch the movie "Ride the High Country."
Most of staff time taken up with assault by press based on distortions of the Daniloff case & dishonest charges that we had sought to use the press with false leaks about Khadaffy. And of course hailing my defeat in the veto override.
Then an N.S.C. meeting which was much ado about little. Really a discussion of problems in areas Cap W. is going to visit—India, Pakistan, China etc.
Lunch—saw 2 Ambas. & familys off—then a visit by new head of Salvation Army—2nd woman to ever hold that job—Gen. Eva Burrows. A stop at the Doc’s. office to see why I’m coughing. It’s aftermath of my allergy attack. Now off to Camp David.