Diary Entry - 10/02/1984

Key Facts
The President and First Lady attend the Texas Republican Party's Victory '84 Dinner.
Richard W. Miller becomes the first FBI agent to be arrested and charged with espionage.
Off to Detroit, Gulfport & Biloxi Miss., Corpus Christi, Brownsville & Houston Texas & back to W.H. In Detroit I addressed 1548 newly sworn in citizens of our country. It was a moving ceremony. Then in the same bldg. addressed (7000) a luncheon of the Ec. Club & the Womens Ec. Club. Without naming him I laid into Mondale—1st time I’ve done that. Was very well received. Then it was on to Biloxi Miss. The Grand Jury handed down an indictment against Ray Donovan. The whole thing seems to smell a bit. Of course the press is drooling.
Late afternoon did an outdoor rally in what is really Dem. country. Trent Lott was on hand. I addressed 43,000 wildly enthusiastic people. There were 1000’s of young people on hand. Tues. on to Brownsville Texas. The rally here was on the campus of Brownsville South Most [Southmost] College. I toured their health center. They have a great program going in partnership with govt., several other colleges & Project Hope. They are training nurses, paramedics etc. for work in the Rio Grande valley. The rally was again a great enthusiastic crowd.
On to Corpus Christi Texas for an airport rally. Same giant, enthusiastic crowd & 8 high school bands. A woman held up a sign out in the crowd that said all her husband wanted for Xmas was to shake my hand. I saw that he got to do that. On to Houston—met Nancy there and the occasion was a Repub. fund raising banquet that raised $2 mil. Wed. A.M. back to Wash. Arrived about 1:30 so put in a long afternoon at the Oval O. Did some ceremonial bill signing. Rcvd. the top brass of the V.F.W. who officially endorsed my candidacy. Then to the situation room. We still dont have quite enough info to OK an aerial strike against a terrorist center in Lebanon. It’s frustrating. Started preparation for the debate (Sunday) in Louisville. Taped a half dozen spot ads for campaign & upstairs.