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Diary Entry - 10/01/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan speaks with Senator Dan Quayle, Republican Vice Presidential Candidate.

  • President Reagan addresses the Opening Convocation of Georgetown University's Bicentennial Celebration.

  • Mikhail Gorbachev is confirmed as president of the Soviet Union, succeeding Andrei A. Gromyko.

View the President's Schedule
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A meeting at 11 A.M. with Sen. Quale our V.P. Cand., Stu Spencer, Ken & Bea. I was supposed to give him some debating tips & did. He’s a fine person & has been given a bum rap by the media. Then down to the Oval O. for signing of the appropriation bills. Did my radiocast & took photos with Nancy Roberts family all 21 of them. Rcvd. a plaque from 2 police officers—St. Louis county police. I’m now an honorary policeman.

Then upstairs—lunch on the balcony & changed clothes for appearance at Georgetown U. where I’m to get an honorary degree—Dr. of Humane Letters, & make a speech.

Well I had to don an iron vest for the outdoor event where somewhere close to 10,000 attended—most of them students. I was warmly received.

Back home—Nancy & I both had messages. I got a call from S.S. that a suspicious car was parked outside the S. Lawn fence & we should stay away from the windows. Then I was told the matter was resolved.

Dinner in the study & ran last nites news clips of my broadcasting in Chi. yesterday. Then to bed.

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