Diary Entry - 10/01/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan speaks with Senator Dan Quayle, Republican Vice Presidential Candidate.
President Reagan addresses the Opening Convocation of Georgetown University's Bicentennial Celebration.
Mikhail Gorbachev is confirmed as president of the Soviet Union, succeeding Andrei A. Gromyko.
A meeting at 11 A.M. with Sen. Quale our V.P. Cand., Stu Spencer, Ken & Bea. I was supposed to give him some debating tips & did. He’s a fine person & has been given a bum rap by the media. Then down to the Oval O. for signing of the appropriation bills. Did my radiocast & took photos with Nancy Roberts family all 21 of them. Rcvd. a plaque from 2 police officers—St. Louis county police. I’m now an honorary policeman.
Then upstairs—lunch on the balcony & changed clothes for appearance at Georgetown U. where I’m to get an honorary degree—Dr. of Humane Letters, & make a speech.
Well I had to don an iron vest for the outdoor event where somewhere close to 10,000 attended—most of them students. I was warmly received.
Back home—Nancy & I both had messages. I got a call from S.S. that a suspicious car was parked outside the S. Lawn fence & we should stay away from the windows. Then I was told the matter was resolved.
Dinner in the study & ran last nites news clips of my broadcasting in Chi. yesterday. Then to bed.